Monday, December 12, 2011

Pick Up Women - Who Are You Really Looking For?

When you are approaching women it's important to realize and try to get an idea of what they are really looking for in a man? Often women are looking for someone that is and can be their equal, someone that is caring, loving, and supportive.

One of the biggest mistakes men make, is that they don't treat women as equals and instead will put them on a pedestal. While there are obvious differences between Men and Women, its important to realize that there is really very little difference in having a conversation with either sex. We are all very similar and looking for someone that will really listen to us.

If you've spent most of your life single or have been dating the wrong type of girls, it is ok. You can find the woman of your dreams if you are willing to do some work and facing some rejection from women. I assure you it will be worth it especially when you find the woman you really connect with. An important idea you need to understand is: the more women you get exposed to, meet, talk with, and date the more likely you are to find the right girl for you.

What Do You Want In a Woman?

It's incredibly important also for you to identify and start to figure out the things that are important to you in a girlfriend? It is also important to identify what characteristics and qualities you are attracted to and want in a girlfriend. Take a moment, close your eyes and picture the woman the women you would like to marry and think about the relationship you would have with her.

This woman you pictured was probably a women you really connected with, this is what most people want in a spouse. Further, while you may have spent all your life only dating the girls that would say yes when you asked them out. If you follow some easy suggestions you can decide what girls you want to date. In other words you no longer have to only date a few girls and instead you can choose which girls you want to date.

Take action today, go out and start smiling at girls. Make sure to look them in the eyes. When a girl smiles back at you walk up and introduce yourself. You will be creating a great first impression with her by smiling and you will appear confident. Stop waiting for the right woman to just come along, you must be proactive and go out and find her.

If you are having difficulty talking with girls, engaging women in conversation, being liked by women then you have to learn how. There are some great teachers and we would encourage you to study Dale Carnegie one of the great self improvement minds of the twenty-first century. There are plenty of other resources you should review, but no matter what you will have to do some work.

Contrary to what many people believe charismatic people are not often born. It is true a few people have very easily been able to develop a charismatic and engaging personality without very much work. However the vast majority of people you see with these talents have had to work and develop them.

I personally lacked many of these skills for a long time which I directly link to my lack of ability to pick up women. With a lot of work and continued work it has become second nature to have a conversation with a stranger. Just last week I was flying home from the vacation and meet a girl on the plane and engaged her in conversation. We have plans to get a cup of coffee this week.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Attract Women - Just By Showing Enthusiasm And A Positive Attitude

One of the easiest ways to make yourself more attractive to women and more attractive to all people in general, is simply by having a good attitude. It may sound corny and you may laugh it off but people are naturally drawn to individuals that have a positive, uplifting, and outgoing attitude.

Just by being enthusiastic she is going to find you outgoing, approachable, and most importantly attractive. Think about it this way would you want to spend your time with someone that is always pointing out the negatives and difficult things in life or would you want to be with someone that despite what is going on is able to still enjoy life and the things they do have?

How Can I Be Enthusiastic? 

This is one of the easiest answers I have and it is simply by getting excited about everything! This is your life you need to enjoy every step, of every process, and every achievement. It was once said that it is not the achievement but it is through the hard work to get there, that gives you the real sense of accomplishment.

Admittedly this is not easy however before you start approaching women and start talking with them it's important to have a few mentally planned conversations. This way it will help to guide the conversation but also if you think through these conversations before you have them, you can ensure that you guide the conversation towards topics that you do feel excited about. This way you can show your enthusiasm much easier.

You can be enthusiastic about your family, a television show, a sports team, a politician… This energy for life is contagious and very attractive to women.

How To Show Positivity Towards Her? 

To start with never talk bad about anyone or anything. You will have plenty of time to talk negatively about things however if your first couple conversation are about how bad the world is or how upset you are about something you're not doing yourself much good towards appearing attractive. Instead only say good things about people at least while you and her are getting to know each other.

It is also vitally important to be enthusiastic and optimistic about what she is doing with her life. For example let's say she's going to school to be an attorney. While in reality you may completely disdain attorneys you still need to be enthusiastic about that for her. In reality she is doing something that clearly requires a great deal of effort, intelligence, and perseverance. More importantly if she is doing and accomplishing something that she wants to do that's all that matters. She is achieving her goals.

It can help if you start to do some internal dialogue with yourself and an be enthusiastic, optimistic, and outgoing. For example if you enjoy going out and talking with women then get excited about it. This is one of the fun things that we are able to do in our life and we need to embrace and enjoy the things we find happiness in.

At the end of the day both men and women would prefer their spouse or partner to be happy. Happiness is without a doubt influenced by outside factors but the only true source of happiness comes from within and people have to create this for themselves, before they are able to share it with another.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Picking Up Girls - Motion Always Beats Meditation

The legendary businessman Gary Halbert once said motion beats meditation, what he meant was that when you're running a business it is better to be an action than to think about your problems. This quote is just as applicable to picking up women.

You must get in motion. This means you must put yourself in environments, situations, and places where it is conducive to meet women. These activities can include: online dating, local single groups, going to the bars, going to the mall, spending time in coffee shops…

It also means you cannot just sit on your hands and wait to meet someone. Instead you must also take action to meet different girls. I assume that you probably suffer from the same issue I did which was fear of rejection and humiliation.

This fear is not entirely unfounded as many times I have walked away from an attempted pickup feeling incredibly humiliated and totally deflated. When you experience these rejections it makes it very difficult to portray that elusive and attractive confidence that women claim to be so attracted too.

If It Was Easy It Would Not Be Worth! 

Yes, rejection will happen. In truth you are going to experience more rejection than ever before. The more women you talk to will directly cause more to women reject you. However the more women you talk to will also directly influence how many girls you are successful with.

A great tool to use if you're concerned about potential rejection is what I call the smile test. This test can help you determine: if she is available, if she finds you attractive, and if she's going to be receptive to you initiating a conversation.

This Is How It Works 

When you see a pretty girl you look her in the eyes and give her a genuine smile. If she returns your smile then meet you should go ahead and introduce yourself to her. If she does not return it, then it doesn't mean she isn't interested but your potential for rejection increases.

Why This Works 

When you smile at her you are creating an instant connection. She is going to see you as someone that is outgoing, optimistic, and energetic. In other words someone she wants to get to know. You also are going to be showing her the most attractive version of yourself, as everyone is more attractive when they are smiling.

If you don't believe this pay attention to how much more attractive women are when they smile back at you. In addition pay attention to the way your thoughts about her will change if she smiles at you. Often you assume that she has a lot of positive characteristics such as: approachable, nice, friendly… is she smiles at you.

You also can make some assumptions based upon this test. You can assume that she is single because women with a significant other should not be smiling at random guys. This is because smiling is the most basic form of flirting and unavailable women shouldn't be flirting with men. This test is not 100% reliable however it is incredibly effective. It is a very useful tool and can completely eliminate at least the risk of humiliation with a rejection.

If you meditate and hope that love is just going to find you, then you are almost guaranteed a future of being single. However if you go out and put yourself in the venues to meet women and engage girls in conversation you have a much higher likelihood of finding the right girl for you. I promise your success with women will outweigh and be worth any rejection you encounter.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Talk To Girls - You Must Show Personality

When you go out and start talking to women it is incredibly important for you to show and display your personality. Sometimes this is even going to require you to be a little over-the-top and overly enthusiastic but the reward of connecting with a beautiful girl and walking away with her phone number. I guarantee it is more than worth it!

Easy Tips To The Approach 

It will really help your conversation if before you go out and meet women. You go ahead and plan out some conversation topics. You are going to need to play these conversations out mentally and the different scenarios.

When I am getting ready to go out I want to think about one thing that I'm really passionate about or that shows my personality. I also try to make this some desirable characteristic for example; how much I value my family and especially my new nephew.

Now before you go out think about when you approach this girl and after you exchange names and shake her hand where is the conversation going? In reality it is up to you to guide and carry this conversation in order to maintain it, connect with her, and nurture a feeling of attraction from her.

For example; I may ask her how long she's been living here? Let's look at this in detail and give her two answers to this initial question.

The first is I just moved here and now you will need to follow that up with one more question such as; how do you like it here or where is your family living? The second response she says she's lived here her whole life. You can respond with, is all your family living here or do you have brothers or sisters?

After she answers your two or three questions, now you need to answer your own questions. However if you look closely you have already guided this conversation towards your topic which is how much you value your family.

You can respond with something like I just moved here from Florida but I love it out here, I do miss my family though they're all still in Florida and I have a brand-new nephew. He is only a year old but I sure do love the little guy!

Obviously answer with your own set of circumstances but the point of this example is to see how the conversation was guided even from the outset to your planned topic. You had thought about the possible answers and were still able to guide the conversation towards something that shed you in a good light and showed her a desirable characteristic.

How much your value of family which many women find attractive. They do think that one day you could potentially be that person she is creating a family with, depending on your age.

Now when you actually go out that night and you have that interaction with girls this can be your opening with each and every girl that you approach. This will really help if you get nervous which is normal and natural. Your body literally is going through a physiological response that is very similar to the flight or fight response.

I encourage you to think up a few conversation topics other examples would include: work, activities, politics, TV shows, news events, pop culture… It's smart to have a couple desirable characteristics but it's never a bad idea to just have some good conversation topics too.

These will help you get through those moments when you run out of things to talk about and hit those brick walls. Don't worry, this happens to everyone. The difference is your ability to get past that and move forward. Don't miss out any longer the woman of your dreams is out there go onward and find her!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flirting With Girls - Stand Out From the Crowd

It's important to be different when you're flirting with girls. Why? If she sees you as just like every other guy your likelihood of success will drop dramatically.

How Do You Stand Out From the Crowd?

1. Smile - smiling is the most basic form of flirting. If you look her in the eyes and smile a lot you will be flirting with her and very few men use this. Further when you do this you are showing the most attractive version of yourself. Women are much more attractive when they are smiling at you than not!

2. Don't Compliment - often men will approach a girl and the first thing they have to say is a compliment to her. Don't do this! When you compliment on a first conversation or a first date it is seen as desperate, pathetic, and unattractive. Additionally if you wait until a second, fourth, or eleventh date to compliment her it will mean more to her because she knows it's sincere and genuine.

3. Act As If - act like you have the best life ever. Be happy and outgoing. When you talk with her be energetic and excited about the things she is doing with her life and the stuff you are doing with your life. This is called charisma and it is magnetic it will attract people to you! Think about everything you have to be appreciative of; life, happiness, job, money, family, career, education, ambition... there are a lot of things you have to be thankful for. 

Further there are a lot of things you bring to the table in a relationship; you will be trustworthy, loving, caring... Let this feeling come through in your body language. Do this through smiling, laughing, being energetic, and outgoing. The worst thing in life is a lack of women? Well, that is really an easy fix and on the bright side there sure are plenty of women in the world!

4. Always Close - If you have pushed down all the anxiety and fear that usually prevents us from approaching her you better at least ask for her number. Even if you don't expect success you may be pleasantly surprised and at the end of the day at least you tried to get her number. There is nothing worse than the regret of not trying to close and ask for her number!

In sum, you want to be different. You want to be unique and you want to give the impression that you are happy, confident, outgoing... By following these four steps you will achieve this and your success rate will increase dramatically!

Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Flirt With Women - 3 Steps

The goal when flirting with a woman is to create a unique connection between you and her. You want her and yourself to become immersed and wrapped up in your conversation and interaction.

How Do You Do This?

There are three things you must do:

1. Smile - when you smile at her you are flirting non-verbally. There isn't anything you can do to say "I'm happy to see you" or "I like you" more than looking her in the eyes and smiling at her. Further when you smile at her you are showing her your most attractive side and you will appear confident, approachable, outgoing. All of these are attractive and desirable qualities that you want to show!

2. Express an Interest In Her - ask her about her life. You can ask about her; family, friends, education, job, dream job, dream life, where she grew up . Everyone enjoys talking about themselves, just by showing an interest and asking about her she will feel that you are genuinely interested in her.

3. Actually Listen - You must listen to what she says when she responds to your questions. For example; if she tells you she has an older sister living in Colorado but your conversation naturally flows to what she is doing for work. If later in the conversation you can bring her sister back up and ask her if she gets to see her often or if they are close or any question about her older sister that lives in Colorado, it will show her you are genuinely listening and interested! One thing everyone is looking for in a romantic partner is someone that listens to them.

These three steps sound almost like common sense but you would be shocked by how few men actually do them! Don't believe me go ask some women anywhere how many Men have smiled at her, expressed an interest in her, and actually listened as a means to flirting with her. I guarantee her response will be very low if any, despite the fact that this is what women are really looking for in a Man and a partner!

If you can take these three steps and use those with every woman you want to flirt with you will have an abundance of success. Women are really looking for that connection and to feel like they are being listened to and cared for. The same is true for men; we don't want to date a girl that doesn't really listen to us. Moving forward make sure to put effort into creating and developing this connection with women and if you feel a connection it is almost a guarantee she does too!